19.02.2014 08:51
Soul Evolution..
There are many people from different religious creeds and traditions who consider themselves to be followers of spirituality. Many among these people have come to misunderstand the enlightened-sounding concept known as ‘soul evolution.’ It´s generally...
18.02.2014 07:51
What does this all mean?
From the concept known as Christianity. It deals with the second coming of Christ. When I say Christianity i do not mean the concept of today, but a gnostic one which also encompassed what has come to be known as the Kabbalistic mysteries. What is today by most...
16.02.2014 09:34
Would you call a transit station your home?
Throught the sands of time there is this message that is still echoing by the long gone masters, gurus and sages.
A reminder that this realm that the majority of people are basing their perceptions of a reality on. Is illusionary and not absolute. One...
09.02.2014 09:53
You got the glow
Sages, gurus, teachers and kabirs from antiquity up to the present had, and still do have, the same general mission. That is to fan the spark that is in every human being. Every true wisdom teacher will tell you that to find what you are searching for you...
08.02.2014 11:30
Be in the world but not of it
If one looks into the various ‘hardcore’ gurus, sages, adepts, teachers and master from the true Wisdom Schools, their essential message is the one and the same: that one should seek to know one´s true nature which can neither be found nor seen in...
07.02.2014 08:52
I thought that I would cover what is known as the second coming of Christ as being the key to the redemption and perfection of this fallen world. This is Part 1 of three essays on the matter.
There are many who eagerly await a return of Christ, Messiah, Mahdi (or...
21.12.2013 10:45
The Christmas tree is by many considered to be a pagan tradition.
The symbology that is being alluded to with this tradition is far from being pagan at all.
The tree has at times and in some circles been viewed as a symbol for man himself.
An example of this is in the concept known as Kabbalah and...
17.12.2013 08:09
There are many who have and are still busting their heads around this mystery in regards to age talk in the bible. One should be reminded again that the bible was aimed toward neophyts of ancient wisdom schools.
Their teachers and masters gave them keys to unlock the hidden meaning behind the...
19.11.2013 07:58
In connection to the logos teaching that I have previously posted. One term applied to Jesus was Immanuel which means "God Is With Us". It cannot be mademuch clearer then this.
This is the pivotal part in the message that Jesus is giving us.
He is reminding humans of what they are and of...
12.11.2013 08:54
The phrase "Let us...." from the Genesis 1:26 is even today causing great confusion among men. Many have taken this plural from "Let us...." as a pointer to the idea that there are many Gods. Thus they find evidence or connections that this idea may be related to the tenets of polytheism.
Yet in...
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