06.11.2013 07:37
I have been asked about the biblical Genesis. What is this story about?
Many who turn to so called gnostic texts ( Nag hammadi and others) end up getting even more confused when they encounter these painted pictures which was made for a audience of another time who where familiar with the...
03.11.2013 06:33
In the ancient wisdom schools one of the symbols for man as being in the image of God, was the
geometric form known today as the Cube. The Cube´s form or shape is upheld by 8 corners out of which 7 are visible, with the eighth one being hidden. This idea is easily rejected by the ignorant. Without...
01.11.2013 13:35
"...then Yahweh Elohim formed the human one from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his-her nostrils the breath of life and the human one became a living being" - (Genesis 2:7)
Zoe was the Greek term used for life as in life power. This means that there was Zoe to...
19.10.2013 00:58
It all evolves around the knowledge of the Logos as the "builder" or the great architect. Look into a previous post called The Logos teaching.
Not many are aware that high esoteric degrees of masons consider themselves to be heirs of the ancient gnostic. The majority of people are also not aware...
19.10.2013 00:55
Brothers of the Shadows: A Perspective on Conspiracies
Rudolf Steiner
Behind the outer façade of world affairs, suggested Steiner, the machinations of occult groups or ‘brotherhoods’ were at work. Certain of these brotherhoods had wanted the Great War to take place, and had manipulated events to...
19.10.2013 00:40
The Logos Teachings
….”the logos is God´s Likness, by who the whole kosmos was fashinoed.”
Philo Judaeus
Kosmos = Order, Ordered Harmonious system. As well as meaning ornament
The kosmos was also viewed as being a refelction of Logos.
In Hellenistic...
19.10.2013 00:21
El-azar means God has helped and it´s from this combo of letters one get the name Lazaros (In Greek)
It´s perfectly clear that this name wants to tell something. It deals with melting of the butter.
Seeking solitude, entering the halls of meditation, living the life of mystic, one day managing to...
18.10.2013 23:17
To have even the slightest chance of understanding the Book of Enoch one has to know what the word ‘Enoch’ means or rather what it defined. The meaning of the word ‘Enoch’ is Initiate. One of the clues regarding this definition is in the saying that Enoch walked with God. This simply means...
18.10.2013 08:07
After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson: "We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?"
On January 20, 2001, President George W. Bush...
12.10.2013 07:28
- The Liberator Who Destroyed My Property Has Realigned My Perceptions.
"The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear."
- People Do It Everyday, They Talk To Themselves..
- They See Themselves As They Like To Be, They Dont Have The Courage You Have, To...
Objekt: 11 - 20 av 29