
08.10.2013 19:03
The Evolutionary school. Is based on individual effort and initiative where the individual has freedom of thought and  choice. The followers of this school considers that the law of evolution applied to man is for differentiation and individualization, and that any interference with the law...
08.10.2013 18:55
THE NEW MAN "The new man is still evolving. Indeed, he is not yet visible to everyone, for he does not come from the noisy center which constantly attracts the attention of the crowd, but from the quiet periphery. Every force that is destined to topple an age which has run its course comes from...
08.10.2013 18:47
Todays Problem - Is This The World We Live In?   We have vast fertile acreage, yet the majority of people are without property. We raise and produce more food than we can consume and in some parts there is abundance of food to the extent that much is thrown away. Yet large numbers of people...
05.10.2013 07:02
The School of Devolution From ancient times there have been two schools of thought. One of these schools basically stands for the suppression of freedom over the masses whom are generally looked down upon by the followers and students of this school. Their teachings deny the principle of...
11.09.2013 09:33
  The purpose or aim for praying If one mentions the terms ‘prayer and praying,’ there will be many people who may think of or view this as a way to petition or communicate with God; to make God follow and cause one’s will and desires to come true. From a purely spiritual point of view this...
10.09.2013 08:34
As you, dear reader, will soon discover, it´s rare to discover people who have what could be called true free will; meaning that one first understands and also applies the process that will be unveiled right now. The purpose right now is to make you ponder it and then try to view yourself honestly....
05.09.2013 21:58
Is there a possibility that there´s a group of alchemists who seem to feel ordained by God and who by design are putting the throttle to the bottom in order to accelerate the rate of human spiritual evolution? And as such, do they view who they are and what they do as being benevolent and well...
05.09.2013 19:52
The site has now a forum that can serve as a way for interaction. Share and care..
05.09.2013 19:51
Yes maa deehrs.. (southern accent) The Peejay is back..    
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