Soul Evolution..
What does this all mean?
From the concept known as Christianity. It deals with the second coming of Christ. When I say Christianity i do not mean the concept of today, but a gnostic one which also encompassed what has come to be known as the Kabbalistic mysteries. What is today by most grasped as two different concepts where then only one. The gnostic allegories and metaphors where like painted pictures with much symbolical means, unlocked by the students with what was managed to be received and understood from their teachers by oral means.
As such the return of the Messiah is basically the same concept as the one mentioned above.What needs to be said here just to clarify, is that not all proponents and followers of what today has come to become known as Kabbalah, would agree on this. As there are other Kabbalistic concepts of thought which follows their inclinations.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
It´s said in what today would be called Christian Kabbalah, that the soul of Messiah is so grand that one singel man can´t house It alone. For the full embodiment and return of the Messiah, the majority of humans are required. Because this is what the Soul of Messiah or Christ is. It´s in all of you and it has to be attained, woken up so to say.
One has to recall what these terms Christ and Messiah means or do stand for. It´s The Logos, that what is projected by the Monad. The only begotten son. Consciousness arisen from awareness.
The Logos said I am the light of the world. I am the light in man. Only through me can man know and reach the Father,When you see me you see the Father...I am the way..
Attaining this Christ/Messianich consciousness is to come to know your true self. It is to come to know the truth which is then setting you free.
Kabbalistically speaking it´s the Zeir Anpin (Little Face Of God - God´s Aspect in Creation) turning and looking at the Father (Arik Anpin - The Big face of God - Ancient of Ancients - Called so because it´s the first "manifested" aspect of God)
The Kabbalistic meaning here is that the eye see´s itself, or that the knower which can know does become fully aware of itself, seeing it self.
It´s also said in Kabbalistic teachings that when this happens. Creation as people know it cease to be. Because this creation happens when Zeir Anpin is not looking at the face of it´s Father (Arik Anpin) and as such is not reflecting solely the Father.
The name of the game
Boiling this down on to the level of people on earth.What this means is for this Christ/Messianic conciousness to be attained and realized on a individual level. This still ongoing process is known as the first coming of Christ and has not been fulfilled yet.
The second coming is when this first one has become attained and fulfilled in all of humanity.This creation as such does implode because it does not and can not exist by it´s own as it relies upon something else to exist upon.Namley you. Creation are the effects and phenomena of Being which is the only cause.
In that way this creation has fulfilled it´s task and as such has become perfected since it always was about YOU.
The Utopia that people seek is to be found in another place (Realm) which is not bound by change nor time.
It´s about finding the true YOU...The Self which for instance the Upanishads mentions.When you have found this you will also have find your home and as such you will understand your divine nature.You will come to understand that you are free and that the all is yours...
Would you call a transit station your home?
Throught the sands of time there is this message that is still echoing by the long gone masters, gurus and sages.
A reminder that this realm that the majority of people are basing their perceptions of a reality on. Is illusionary and not absolute. One cannot understand nor reach the absolute realm through this realm of illusions where all there is, is change.
In light of this maybe this saying from Jesus can be understood..
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth,where moths and vermin destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves tresures in heaven,where moths and vermin do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal.For where your treasure is there will you heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19
Blessed is the one who know which ride to take home, because that one is never so incapacitated to call a transit station a home.
You got the glow
Those who are bound by desire see only that which can be held in their hands.
The secret awaits eyes unclouded by ambition...
And do not imitate this world, but be transformed by the renovation of your minds - Romans 12:2
Mind is consciousness, which has limitations. We are originally unlimited and perfect. Later on we take on limitations and become the mind. - Sri Ramana Maharshi
Be in the world but not of it
And the truth shall set your free
When the student is ready the teacher will appear
Out of 1000 one is mine
Everybody is looking for that special someone
As mentioned before in the part one of this expose. The yogis, sages and teachers of old have warned seekers and students alike of searching for IT in the outside.
Jesus for instance said that..
- The kingdom of heaven is in you!
Better the devil you know…
Speaking of the Devil!
Absolute truth versus duality
The Christmas tree is by many considered to be a pagan tradition.
The symbology that is being alluded to with this tradition is far from being pagan at all.
The tree has at times and in some circles been viewed as a symbol for man himself.
An example of this is in the concept known as Kabbalah and it´s symbol called the tree of life.
Even Jesus in the bible uses the symbol of the tree in connection to man.
" A good tree is not able to produce bad fruit, neither a bad tree to produce good fruit "
- Matthew 7:18
The shining Christmas tree is nothing other then a symbol for illuminated man.Decorated with candy and other treats, it´s also a symbol of a good tree.
There are many who have and are still busting their heads around this mystery in regards to age talk in the bible. One should be reminded again that the bible was aimed toward neophyts of ancient wisdom schools.
Their teachers and masters gave them keys to unlock the hidden meaning behind the allegories that was draped in the way of stories for the sake of profane ones.
And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
Would it be a suprise that lifespan of man in many anicent wisdom schools (Which Where Run by Accomplished Yogis - Ones Who Have Achieved Union With God ) was messured in breaths and not years.
For instance this is brought up in a Sanskrit text known as Shiva Swarodaya which says that at the rate of 15 breaths per minute (Normal Breath), the value of 946,080,000 breaths is given which is a full 120 years.
When viewing other such lifespans in the bible of different people.What could be alluded to but the breath control (Highly connected to the art of Yoga) Pranayama ( Being able to regulate the flow of life energy or force)
Gen. 11:10-13
Gen. 23:1
Gen. 11:14-15
Gen. 25:7
Gen. 11:16-17
Gen. 25:17
Gen. 11:18-19
Gen. 35:28
Gen. 11:20-21
Gen. 47:28
Gen. 11:22-23
Num. 33:39
Gen. 11:24-25
Dt. 34:7
Gen. 11:32
Like a engine that pumps life energy from the spiritual realms enabeling what is known as matter to be connected to mind ( And Beyond)...
In connection to the logos teaching that I have previously posted. One term applied to Jesus was Immanuel which means "God Is With Us". It cannot be mademuch clearer then this.
This is the pivotal part in the message that Jesus is giving us.
He is reminding humans of what they are and of the divine connection to God that is there, which can only be established by a man of free will.
Jesus Christ is the prototype, the primordial man, the true and undiluted picture of the true human. When you encounter and look at Jesus Christ, you see the true you in regards to human nature; a representation of see God´s desire and will with the human.
Jesus says:
“I am the bread of life."
"I am the light of the world."
"Know I am with you always."
Jesus should be seen as the living presence in the human which is essentially Gods power. Jesus is God´s desire and will. This desire and will contains the form and attributes of man; or more specifically, the attributes and form of the primordial man. To the man this presence of God deep inside of man is first seen and discovered to be the light of God. Hence why Jesus is in some circles called to be The Aeon of Eternal Light - Ain Sof Aur and as such, The Ultimate Illuminator (The Bishop of Light, et al.)
‘Who is like God?’ is not only a question posed by the meaning of the name Michael, but serves also as a reminder to us that only God can understand and comprehend God and although there is a divine connection between the human and God, only God is God! The human is made in the image of God, from and as an idea of God. As such the human one is perfect for it´s purpose. The human one should not compare to God because who is like God but God Itself?
“Man born in sin…”
It´s from this context that the concept of man born in sin has arisen.That man is imperfect, not complete, due to the notion that man has not yet become able to host God. In the garden of eden man walked with God. With the fall, man alienated himself from God.
The idea of man being born in sin has been yanked away from its original context by ignorant men and thrown into a taxicab whose destination leads directly to the school of devolution. The end goal here is to put man in victim mode, and in that way, render man hesitant, passive to the level that he would not deem himself to be worthy to walk with God. This is accomplished through indoctrination and a an abundance of fear farming.
The question "Who is like God?" serves as a reminder of the humility required by the neophyte seekers who have freshly embarked on the true spiritual path; to warn them against becoming a Luciferian sorcerer (aka, a bloated, mystical ego.) This will cause them to fall away from their original intention: to meet God.
Here, there is a dangerous risk of misconstruing God with Ego Self. I would say that one does not understand the meaning of the creation of the human being from the God Perspective. If one is given to the notion that the human is actually God the real truth will be clearly revealed upon actually meeting God.
Ultimately it is a matter of ‘God within me and me within God,’ by the sole Desire and Will of God. A big clue is given in the bible that the form (I do not only imply the body of flesh) of the human being is to be kept clean and holy so that God can be housed there. As such, the given term for this is the Tabernacle of God. That is, a temporary dwelling place for God.
Due to God’s temporal presence there, it is a place that becomes a holy temple and inspires worship. The human will attain joy and awe from being ever so close to God…how could it be otherwise, when in truth one experiences the idea behind the name, Immanuel. God is with us!
If this were not so, then man would not even have the potential to directly perceive God. But every man has this potential like a small spark deep inside. Thus, man needs to establish this divine connection that he/she bears with him/her.
The phrase "Let us...." from the Genesis 1:26 is even today causing great confusion among men. Many have taken this plural from "Let us...." as a pointer to the idea that there are many Gods. Thus they find evidence or connections that this idea may be related to the tenets of polytheism.
Yet in the same Bible we have God saying "I am God, and there is no other" (Isaiah 45:22). God did not present Itself by saying "We are God." So what´s the deal here? Did God lie?
Wannabe Gnostics would perhaps say that this God speaking is none other than the ignorant and evil Demiurgos and as such, not THE GOD because this is a statement that the Demiurgos utters when he looks around himself after he is being born and discovers nothing. One is already being served a hint here.
That is that the Demiurgos is created,while God is and for evershall be.
Demiurgos has the meaning of "half maker" according to the ancient Greek gnostics.The point of the story about him is to present students with an opportunity to understand what today would be better known as the cosmic ignorance. As such it does not deal nor tells the story about The Logos as some have thought it to be.
It´s a story about cosmic ignorance.
So the general Gnostic story goes like this…
Demiurgos finds himself alone in some kind of empty space and out of ignorance declares,
“There is no one else but ME...”
After awhile one would imagine he became utterly bored being alone in this empty space, so he
uses his God powers that he had within, (Due to heavy ignorance he never stopped and pondered upon whereform he had these powers), to create a Fun Fair for his own amusement because empty space is, of course, so endlessly boring.
So he went ahead and created head-nodders who would follow his every bidding. Since they had no will of their own but instead became more like a function and as such, they had designated roles in the Fun Fair project of the poor, bored and stupid Demiurgos.
So there was the Fun Fair and the head nodding personnel. Yet things remained empty and Demiurgos was not content with this being the case. But he had not a clue what to do about it. He obviously hit a wall of a non-inspirational nature.
His mom looking down on him from the realms above followed his moves and eventually got tired of his boastings about being God and also his antics which came about due to his being an ignorant creature.
So his mom decided to throw a monkey wrench into his Fun Fair project and in a holographic fashion made a conceptual trap, whereby She introduced to him the image of the Human--one which was a replication of the one who is above and beyond it all.
The holographic image which also contained instructions, showed the dumb Demiurgos how to create this Human and was actually a trojan horse that tricked him into giving the divine nature and power to this Human one. So that the man had the divine spark in Him just like the Demiurgos and with that, a mind of His own.
It took Demiurgos and his crew of head-nodders to realize that the Fun Fair Project did not go as well as expected. The Humans started to display minds of their own and had the ability to reason and so on.
Demiurgos grew more and more pissed-off because theses Humans did not do and behave as he desired and so he and his crew went nuts. So they end up on all sorts of manipulation and what not to try confine and to stop the divine spirit in man to flame up and come to full expression and attainment,because somwhere in all that stupidity and ignorance. Demiurgos had some doubts being all that and he could start see glimpses of this being so when he looked upon the human one and the displays of this being. Ignorance is the foundation of fear and all the so called assumptions steaming from it are the mother of all fuck ups.
This last sentence is one point of the story about Demiurgos.
These kind of stories were an effort by some to paint a picture to a certain audience. Namley a picture of the process known to many as devolution or The Fall.
The fall is due to ignorance.
So let´s look at this "Let us..."
God was/is not schizophrenic nor is the God to be found in the Genesis story being Demiurgos who wishes to confine and hold back Adam.
The "Us" lies in the understanding of the divine Trinity and its function. The "Us" implies a certain function and process of the Trinity, which works like a closed circuit in regards to what is known as Creation.
Another way to view this is to see God as ‘THE ONE BEHIND THE ONE AND ONLY POWER.’ God’s will and desire engages power in such a way that there are aspects of it that constitute the make up of Creation and the Human world.
The Elohim are also termed as being The Shining Ones. The Sephirot on the tree of life are also called this because they are luminous. These are aspects of the One and Only Power and Energy.
In the story of the Gnostics, these are the Archons which are the same as Archangels, Rulers, and Judges, et al. Their task is to uphold and fulfill a function, being representative of energetic aspects, patterns and forms of the One and Only Force or Energy. This is why they are at times termed ‘rulers and judges.’
The emphasis on these terms is to elucidate their task of being a function and in that way, they are confined to their particular task at hand. It is not that they are evil per se. These angels might well say, “Hey, We’re created in this way to fulfill a task and uphold a function that We have been given. If you where a true Adam you would know this and we would bow before you and call you a Son of Man!”
So, through the Will of God and by the way of the closed-circuit known as the Trinity, the aspects of the One and Only Power go into action and Creation is engaged. If you want to understand the Gnostic text called ‘the Bible’ (and other texts as well), you will have to study the system that is known today as Kabbalah because this latter serves as a key. Both compliment each other in different ways.