
06.11.2013 07:37

I have been asked about the biblical Genesis. What is this story about?

Many who turn to so called gnostic texts ( Nag hammadi and others) end up getting even more confused when they encounter these painted pictures which was made for a audience of another time who where familiar with the definition of the terms and symbology being used.

What you earnest seeker have to realize is that it´s a story which flows from inside and goes outwards. As such you cant start to seek the answers in the outside but have to start look inside.

Inside where?

Well it´s a individual story while at the same time it is applied to all of humanity. Spiritual matters work in this manyfolded way and does not really deal with one aspect at a time as many would seem to think. This is tied to the timeless term called presence. Presence exists everywhere yet is nowhere.

That is for another blog. Let´s keep to the issue that is being dealt with here.

The essence of the biblical Genesis is that it´s a story about Being, Consciousness and Life. It should also be looked upon as instructions given from a Illuminator to a student albeit clothed in a story way of telling.

Starring as God - Being ( Also at times a Illuminator/spiritual master instructions)

Starring as Adam - Consciousness (Also the Mind, which was alone with God before Eve was made )

Starring as Eve - Life ( The company of Adam, Also the fiery expanding quality that is in life itself (Snake) Which in this case affected or touched Adam.. )

I would again like to point out as a helping hint here, the old saying of the Old Chinese yogis that the subtle nature of Tao is HUMAN NATURE ( That Which Can Know It Self - Consciousness) & LIFE.

The message of God to the human one which is not unerstood and as such is being ignored even today is that you are that. All that you ever can be ( The I am.. ) and that you are perfect because you where made in the image of ME, is what God is trying to convey. The human one did not grasp it nor did it heed the warnings and through the ignorance like Adapa it turned away from immortality. The human one in this way fell into the shackles of duality and it´s relentless tug which is a effect of the cosmic dance.

At this point I am simply going to stop here with this revelation and encourage you to use this new insight and try read the Genesis story again to see if it this time will make anymore sense and maybe reveal some more to you.





03.11.2013 06:33

In the ancient wisdom schools one of the symbols for man as being in the image of God, was the

geometric form known today as the Cube. The Cube´s form or shape is upheld by 8 corners out of which 7 are visible, with the eighth one being hidden. This idea is easily rejected by the ignorant. Without the hidden and easily neglected cornerstone, there would be no form known as the Cube and there would be no possibility to perfect and fulfill the function of this form.

A clue to the function of this form is all the directions that the inner space of this form allows.

"Equipped with his seven senses, man explores the universe around him…

- Edwin P. Hubble


So what does this say? What could it mean? What is it all about!?

- To be able to see the box and then understand it´s nature, one has to climb out of it.

This is connected to the mystery called life and to the 3 "pillars" or 3 "paths" of life and could also be viewed as aspects.

It deals with the "female" path of life as we know it.

It deals with the "male" path of life as we know it.

It deals with the "unified" path of life as we know it.

All 3 paths which consist of 6 directions in the space of the cube, has to become fulfilled for the beast to no longer be a mere beast but a true human. 6 directions!? (The main senses of the beast, the others belongs to human ones...siddhis)

Do not get upset on this last sentence that would imply to your feeble mind that some daft conspiracies have nailed it right. To put water in your mill of ignorance, so to speak, you may end up thinking that many of the real illuminated ones look down upon the majority of mankind as a “sheeple.”

This is not what is implied here nor do the real illuminated ones look down upon the ignorant masses of humanity. But this is material for another post. What you, earnest seeker, need to understand is that “human” as a term, had a specific definition in the ancient schools of wisdom. It was a term which was defined as "that which can know itself". As such, a human was one who knew him/her self. Not knowing one’s self meant in those days and under that paradigm that one was not a human, but more akin to an intelligent beast.

In short, the term “human” implies “one who knows him/her self.” In contrast, the term “beast” implies one who is unaware and does not know his/her self. Ancient Chinese yogis talked about the subtle nature of Tao being "human nature" and life.

This human nature they talked about is the divine ability and potential to know one self. As such, this means, to be able to see the image of God and in that way, come to comprehend God. So the number of the beast is like a coded blueprint for the task at hand for the beast to become glorified and called a human one; the full experience of "human" life. When one manages to climb out of the box or unfold it (Unfolded Cube reveals the shape of the Cross) one is then no longer confined to its limited space (Number 6 in some circles to be something evil, satanic, Antichristic--and even more later down the line.) But one will eventually understand that one owes the world.

Indeed you are an operator and you and I make these boxes because we want to know life, so that we may comprehend God…who wants to be known.

01.11.2013 13:35


"...then Yahweh Elohim formed the human one from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his-her nostrils the breath of life and the human one became a living being- (Genesis 2:7)



Zoe was the Greek term used for life as in life power. This means that there was Zoe to be found in bios. Bios was the term used to define biological life while zoe is the pure life power on which Bios depends upon.


In the ancient times Zoe was defined as follows..

- Absolute fullness of life, which belongs to God, and comes through God. It was also called the abundance given by God...


Pneuma was the ancient Greek term for spirit.

Comes from the Greek word Pneo which means to blow.

Pneuma was defined as..

Non physical and non corporeal part of the human, the vital principle which held the fiery intelligence that made it possible for the human one to perceive & grasp divine and eternal things.

In Latin the word for Breathe is Spiritus.


Think about it...

Life is the radiant breath of God and you are a part of that radiant breath..




19.10.2013 00:58

It all evolves around the knowledge of the Logos as the "builder" or the great architect. Look into a previous post called The Logos teaching.

Not many are aware that high esoteric degrees of masons consider themselves to be heirs of the ancient gnostic. The majority of people are also not aware that the Bible and the NT was written by gnostic adepts and that these works are inbedded with numerical (Gematria) code. A code the masons study as they are revelations of logos itself in their view.

Iesous Christos (As The Logos) is the supreme architect of the spiritual temple (Sol - Amun , Temple Of The Hidden Sun) that is every sincere masons task to be building.

Amon/Amun was the primary deity of the ancient Egyptians. This term is hiding a similar word that has another meaning and is highly connected to what is being touched upon here. Yet Amon as the hidden one alludes to it. In this way the hidden one reveals through it´s work.


The Church Of Philadelphia - The Key

A work by Trevor Stewart

"In Freemasonry you must have noticed the special emphasis which nearly all of
their rituals place on doorways and on gaining entrance. Doorways, the action of
entering, the associated 'knocks' and the guardians on either side, are simple
metaphors for candidates' beginning a new phase of their masonic and possibly their
spiritual pilgrimages."


“Behold, I stand at the door and I shall knock. If a man listens to my voice and will open the door, I also shall come in and I shall have supper with him, and he with me.”

- Revelation 3:20



19.10.2013 00:55

Brothers of the Shadows: A Perspective on Conspiracies

Rudolf Steiner

Behind the outer façade of world affairs, suggested Steiner, the machinations of occult groups or ‘brotherhoods’ were at work. Certain of these brotherhoods had wanted the Great War to take place, and had manipulated events to bring it about. In doing this, they sought to protect the dominant economic position of the English-speaking world, and in turn to crush the ‘mediating’ role of Central European powers such as Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and so on.

These occult brotherhoods – small groups of men who met together in ‘lodges’ and practiced ceremonial magic as a means of achieving certain goals – originated from the English-speaking (Anglo-Saxon) world and were allied, in particular, with Anglo-American interests.

Their aim was to extend Anglo-American influence across the globe, and to ensure the

predomination of Anglo-American culture. Furthermore, they sought to extend its superiority into the distant future; essentially to ensure that the present state of affairs continues evermore.

According to Steiner’s research, human evolution goes through ‘great periods’ of development. During each of these periods, a particular people are given the task of leading humanity in a spiritual sense. Over the millennia, it has been the destiny of different peoples to bring specific qualities, in a benevolent way, to the whole of humanity. Particular periods of history are thus led by particular nations. This does not imply a form of political control or empire – and is certainly not a theory of national or racial superiority – but is referring to a spiritual form of authority.

Steiner suggested that the Western world, and in particular the English-
speaking peoples, have been given the task of getting to grips with the material world – of becoming comfortable on Earth and developing in harmony with it. In this specific sense, the West was to introduce a certain kind of (beneficial) materialism into human development. But this materialism was only meant to be developed up to a certain point. It was necessary in order for humans to become fully part of the earthly world, and to help introduce an individualized consciousness (the ‘I’).

But beyond that it had the potential to be destructive. Materialism as a philosophy, which shuts out the possibility of soul and spirit, is retrogressive, asserted Steiner, and works as an evil in human evolution.

The Anglo-American brotherhoods that seek dominion over mankind know this, and hence today are deliberately sponsoring various kind of materialism in the hope of halting and trapping humanity at the present stage of its development. They don’t want humans to progress beyond the present stage of immersion in the material world. In other words, they don’t want us to reconnect in a free way with our spiritual ‘I’, because they know that their grip over humanity would then be lost. Human progress is dependent on spiritual knowledge, and thus the occult brotherhoods work against it.

Steiner explained further that the brotherhoods were aware that the Slavic peoples were to be given the task of leadership on behalf of humanity during the next ‘great period’ of history. For this reason, the Anglo-American brotherhoods not only sought to dominate the present great period of human development, but – knowing that the Slavs had an important mission in the future – sought to gain control over the Slavic peoples (Russia in particular) in the present, in order to interfere with or even put a halt to their coming task.

In this way, the Anglo-American brotherhoods could extend their control over human development into the distant future. Steiner later claimed that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which led to the creation of the USSR and the 72-year cultural, intellectual, economic and political repression of the populations of its various peoples, was masterminded and sponsored by these same brotherhoods as a means of controlling the region and its peoples.

Julius Evola

19.10.2013 00:40

The Logos Teachings




.”the logos is God´s Likness, by who the whole kosmos was fashinoed.”

  • Philo Judaeus


Kosmos = Order, Ordered Harmonious system. As well as meaning ornament

The kosmos was also viewed as being a refelction of Logos.


In Hellenistic cosmology, Arché, the first cause was viewed upon as beyond human understanding.What was said about Arché is that it was the Source & Beginning of existence.


In the bossom of Arché is The Logos which is brought forth..


The Logos is the only begotten Son Of God (God = Arché) and The Logos as such is the Celestial Man, the Primordinal Man, The Anthropos.


The Logos is eternal and prevades everything as everything was fashioned by The Logos and though The Logos.

Logos is the agent, the cosmical principle which like encapsulate and prevade all as it is the underlying harmonious pattern or form for everything.


Another way to view The Logos is as being The Celestial Song. Encompassing all the sounds (*Vibrations,soniferous) tones in a harmonious way, creating that Celestial song.


*Hence the allusion of The Logos as being ”Verbatum”...The Word.The Egyptian Deity Toth (Hermes for the Greeks & who was called The Logos by them) was the thoughts and words of The God Amun Ra.Amun the hidden,Ra the divinity.On another note connecting to this here..ABRA KAD ABRA ,"Created As I say" , in Aramaic...


The Logos reflects the nature of Being.

In Ancient Hellinistic teachings, Being was defined as ”That which is”...


The Logos encompasses and holds all them primordial universal principles that underlies creation.Again..

The Logos lies in the bossom of Arché


From the prologue to the fourth gospel..


*"In him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men."

(*In Taosim they say"The subtlest secret of the Tao is human nature and life..")


The Logos is integral in the mold of what can be termed as the cosmic form.The Logos is present everywhere yet exists nowhere.


Ancient Hellenistic cosmology did not view God as one who decided to create the universe with drawing up a plan. Instead for them it was The Logos who was behind creation. The Logos which was always with God (In the bossom remember..) was the manifested will and desire of God.As such the blueprint or pattern for creation has always existed and always will.


The stoic philosophers talked about The Logos as being Spermatikos Logos. Which means "seed pattern".The seed contains in itself the pattern for the full manifestation of the plant/fruit/tree and as such Life which is called Zoé (Life force) in Greek and was the underlying principle for the Bios. (Biological life)



John 8:12 12When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

John 1:4-5 4In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men...


Matthew 5:14-16 14"You are the light of the world


This is reflected in the Phos Zoe Cross..



Phos (Light) up – downwards & Zoé (Life) sideways



Jesus symbolizing The Logos said when his disciples asked about The Heavenly Father.

If you had known me, you also would have known my Father, and from this hour you do know him and you have seen him.” - John 14:7


If anything Jesus gives hints after hints of what and who he is.




19.10.2013 00:21

El-azar means God has helped and it´s from this combo of letters one get the name Lazaros (In Greek)

It´s perfectly clear that this name wants to tell something. It deals with melting of the butter.

Seeking solitude, entering the halls of meditation, living the life of mystic, one day managing to opening the box of pandora. Faced with last demons, before ones exhaustively stammers...

I think I might be nobody! ( Discovering the nature of a self that is a no-self)

Then after a while..

Meeting God...

- Be still & know Im God, the living presence

Ehieh Ascher Ehieh ( Existence is Existence )

The power of the resurrection

-I have ventured to where there´s no obstruction.  A state of calm existance & a refuge of all phenomena. To many a  void while in fact a place swollen with possibility.

Walking the path of a sage..

-  What is the means to gain the state of eternal bliss, ever devoid of misery?

- Wherever there is body there is misery, one should enquire into one's true nature which is ever bodiless, and one should remain as such...


Come on, dude your more shredded than a juliene sallad!

In response to..

-Hey man I haved studied arica and other spiritual shit for over 17 years and here I am still oscilliating between blissy and shitty!!


Enter Tzaddikim

- Me!?

- I know who I am!

- Im a dude playing a dude disguesed as another dude..

The Mission

-Heavenly father I am ready to do your will!




18.10.2013 23:17


To have even the slightest chance of understanding the Book of Enoch one has to know what the word ‘Enoch’ means or rather what it defined. The meaning of the word ‘Enoch’ is Initiate. One of the clues regarding this definition is in the saying that Enoch walked with God. This simply means that one has become a Teloi.

The Ancient Greek Word Teloi means the end of process, which is Illumination. To the ancient Teloi this meant that one truly understood the mystery of Alpha & Omega.

“Then have you laid bare the beginning, so that you are seeking the end?" For the end will be where the beginning is. Blessed is the person who stands at rest in the beginning. And that person will be acquainted with the end and will not taste death."

--Gospel Of Thomas 18

There are many clues and hints given in this text that deal with the revelations of a Teloi. This text, like the majority of these kinds of esoteric work, was written to and for the students of the old wisdom schools. This content referred to the students who yet had attained illumination and was written for the purpose of offering hints and tips.

In short, these kinds of esoteric texts always dealt with the process of illumination or some aspects of it in one form or another. The Enoch text deals specifically with cosmic forces and the cosmic law. Angels are energy aspects in all sorts of form that helps or brings one closer to God. In contrast the opposite of this stands for fallen angels and aspects of pure demonic energy. One should try to hold in mind the Hermetic axiom in connection to this. As above so below! As in macrocosmos so in the microcosmos...

From the book of Enoch..

54.3 And there my eyes saw how they made instruments for them - iron chains of immeasurable weight.

54.4 And I asked the Angel of Peace, who went with me, saying: "These chain instruments - for whom are they being prepared?"

54.5 And he said to me: "These are being prepared for the hosts of Azazel, so that they may take them, and throw them into the lowest part of hell; and they will cover their jaws with rough stones, as the Lord of Spirits commanded.

54.6 And Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel - these will take hold of them on that great day. And throw them, on that day, into the furnace of burning fire, so that the Lord of Spirits may take vengeance on them for their iniquity, in that they became servants of Satan, and led astray those who dwell upon the dry ground...

Azazel = that which is to be removed, that which despairs for the mercy of God - the outcast, the state of experiencing emotional and mental states: affections and obsessions; lack of peaceful mind.

Michael = humility before God; passion toward God; seeking God and devotion to God; the ability to remain "empty" (aka at peace.) This angel’s name is more of a reminder than a question. Who is like God? Only God is God and can understand Itself in full. The human can comprehend God to a level due to him having been created in the image of God.

Gabriel = delivering God´s words; the messenger from God to the human; the ability to hear the voice of God through the silence that comes from being at peace. (Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you)

Raphael = the healing power from God as “the butter starts to melt over one;” being embraced by the love and mercy of God through the power of God´s grace. Here, sins are forgiven.

Phanuel = when the Lord comes with glory and glorifies one; revealing the face of God; proclaiming the consummatum est in the following words:

"The world has now become the Kingdom of our LORD and His Christ. He shall reign forever and ever.... Amen"

18.10.2013 08:07

After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson: "We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?"

 On January 20, 2001, President George W. Bush during his first inaugural address faced the obelisk known as the Washington Monument and twice referred to an angel that "rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm."

 Five weeks after the inaugural, on Wednesday, February 28, Congressman Major R. Owens of New York stood before the House of Representatives and prayed to the "Angel in the Whirlwind." He asked the spiritual force to guide the future and fate of the United States.

President George W. Bush's Second Inaugural

Snippets from it..

"and then there came a day of fire."

"By our efforts, we have lit a fire as well - a fire in the minds of men."

The phrase a fire in the minds of men.

It is taken from Dostoevsky’s novel, The Possessed, a story set in pre-revolutionary Russia in which the author chronicles the intrigues of the emerging revolutionary movement: one of the main characters is based on the infamous nihilist Sergei Nechaev, whose aim is to make a revolution of such destructive power that bourgeois society will be completely destroyed. Their strategy is to provoke a violent crackdown on all dissent – which will then spark an explosion of revolutionary violence. To this purpose the nihilist Peter Verkhovensky worms his way into the confidence of Lembke, a provincial governor, convincing him of the need to crush rebellious workers who are distributing revolutionary leaflets and generally agitating against the government. The result is an uprising of murderous anger, a volcanic eruption of nihilistic violence that consumes the provincial capital in a great fire.

The Devils (The Possessed)

In The Devils Dostoyevsky created a chilling and prophetic story of revolutionaries and nihilists plotting the overthrow of the Russian government and the downfall of the Russian church. It focuses on the complex and tormented character of Stavrogin, a desperate man whose loss of faith makes him dangerous. Believing he is beyond guilt and remorse, he commits terrible crimes, infects others with ideas he does not believe in and accepts love he does not deserve. Yet Stavrogin is only one of a small band of rebels whose hunger for a more democratic, Western system threatens the fabric of Russian society, and The Devils is a brilliant psychological analysis of a group of people possessed by a destructive passion for revolution. 

- David Magarshack

Available to read here  ---> and a youtube link as well

For you to ponder about..

"But civilization must reach a truly corrupt state before it can be collapsed and reborn from the ashes. Corruption is necessary for the development of civilization as a whole; it's not a bad thing if you look at the big picture, but a necessary stage of development. The same holds true in the development of our Stone." - The Book Of Aquarius


12.10.2013 07:28

- The Liberator Who Destroyed My Property Has Realigned My Perceptions.

"The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear."

- People Do It Everyday, They Talk To Themselves..

- They See Themselves As They Like To Be, They Dont Have The Courage You Have, To Just Run With It..

A different take & view on enlightenment - Durden Style!

Spiritual awakening doesn’t happen because you master some spiritual technique. There are lots of skillful meditators who are not awake. Awakening happens when you stop bullshitting yourself into continual nonawakening. It’s very easy to use disciplines to avoid reality rather than to encounter it. A true spirituality will have you continually facing your illusions and all the ways you avoid reality. Spiritual practice may be an important means of confronting yourself, or it may be a means of avoiding yourself; it all depends on your attitude and intention. -Adyashanti


The nature of enlightenment and the risk of falling for premature enlightenment.

The brightness shining from alethea is overlooked as what is closest. Instead, one sees what the light illuminates before he recognizes the light. Hence, the beginning is first seen in what is begun.



- I see all this potential and I see it squandered.

- God damnit, an entire generation pumping gas..waiting tables..slaves with white collars.

- Advertising has us chasing cars & clothes, working jobs we hate,so that we can buy shit we don´t need


"The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.”  Proverbs 22:7

Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery. -Wayne Dyer

"We are fast approaching the stage of ultimate inversion: the stage where government is free to do as it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission." - Ayn Rand

Funny story..

- In the USA we have a two party system.

- There is the stupid party and then there is the evil party.

- Periodically the two parties get together and do something that is both stupid and evil.

- This is called bipartisanship

A congressional staffer speaking to a group of Russian legislators

Tyler Asks

- If ignorance is bliss why arent more people happy?

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

The Fight Club

- On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero..

- This is your life.Good to the last drop.This is your life and it´s ending one minute at the time.

- Welcome to Fight Club.If this is your first night, you have to fight.


The Essence of the Fight Club

- How much can you know about yourself if you never been in a fight?


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,but against principalities,against powers,against rulers of the darkness of this world,against spiritual wickedness in high places" - Ephesians 6:12

The Zen

- When the fight was over, nothing was solved but nothing mattered..

- Afterwards we all felt saved..

The Narrator

Tyler Asks

- If you could wake up in a different time, in a different place,could you wake up as a different person?

If change is all there is...what´s your possiblities?

Tyler says...

- There´s no such things as meeting expectations.

Sometimes we need to forget some people from our past because of one simple reason. They just do not belong in our future..

The cyclic effects of being dumbed down

Tyler says

- If you feel like shit everyone you hate wins..

- We are at war and the enemy is us a conscious & active humanity.World domination cannot succeed with an awake and empowered population.

The majority of ONE

- That goverment is best which governs least.

- All men recognize the right of revolution, that is the right to refuse allegiance to & to resist the goverment when it´s tyranny or inefficiency are great and undurable.



“I’m disgusted by what we’ve become in America. I truly believe there is brain death in this country. Everything we see is designed to sell us something. The only thing they want to do is take our money.”— John Carpenter


“Maybe they’ve always been with us…those things out there. Maybe they love seeing us hate each other; watching us kill each other off; feeding on our own cold…hearts.”  From the movie They Live By John Carpenter

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