
08.10.2013 19:03

The Evolutionary school.

Is based on individual effort and initiative where the individual has freedom of thought and  choice. The followers of this school considers that the law of evolution applied to man is for differentiation and individualization, and that any interference with the law of evolution brings bad and negative results. They consider authority to hold back the progress of the majority as in regards to individual unfoldment. As this holding back is contrary to the law of evolution, nature will in the end show what she thinks of such intolerable conditions.

Not only does this take shape and form in the way of natural disasters and cataclysms. But these effects do also influence humanity from the inside so that revolutions and wars might take shape as well.

 Followers of this school aim to go with the flow of harmony that is inherent within nature and do not only allow the individual full liberty of freedom of thought, belief and choice but also prompt it´s students and acolytes to it. All for the sake of individual unfoldment where the teachers help and guide the students so that they can attain illumination without intefering with the freedom of others.

 In short what can be said about the followers of this School is their belief that the world can be made better, and mankind is best benefited through the development of the individual.

As the individual evolves and new higher insights unfold, the individual will come to understand and recognize his/her own individual responsibility. Making these people in a position to help themselves and also their fellow-humans if allowed so.

This school teaches that no one can stand between the individual and the creator.It also teaches that what you sow you shall also reap.The understanding of the cosmic law known as karma and the work toward self integrity will make individuals that will have a feel for moral responsibility and a discern about the way of living.


08.10.2013 18:55


"The new man is still evolving. Indeed, he is not yet visible to everyone, for he does not come from the noisy center which constantly attracts the attention of the crowd, but from the quiet periphery. Every force that is destined to topple an age which has run its course comes from the periphery of that age with all its values and pseudo-values. It is in the moments of great crisis in the emergence of the new that the 'outsiders' take on their special function of forming the nucleus of a new center around which the coming world will henceforth order itself."

E. Gunther Grundel, From Die Sendung der jungen Generation, Munich, 1933,


08.10.2013 18:47

Todays Problem - Is This The World We Live In?


We have vast fertile acreage, yet the majority of people are without property.

We raise and produce more food than we can consume and in some parts there is abundance of food to the extent that much is thrown away. Yet large numbers of people walks hungry when they should not need to. Humanity have both knowledge and the technology for it to not be so.

We have an overproduction of clothes yet there are still people that have a lack of clothes.

Never in history has education been so easy to access. Yet the majority of people are ignorant.

Courts dispense injustice instead of justice.

We have self-seeking and corrupt politicians instead of wise and just statesmen and councilors.

Religion which comes from the word religare (Closer to God or Bind Closer To God) has gone stale and has become hollow and lifeless. The priestcraft, having lost the spirit of the true teachings of the masters, (the keys to heaven), having become ignorant of the divine law and the ultimate reality.

Poverty, misery, disease and early death stalk the streets. Society is miserable, sick and unhappy people in despair. One has to be stupid not to admit the utter failure of the present civilization.Is this the best we can do!? Really? Come on please..

"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religions destroy spirituality." - Michael Ellner

05.10.2013 07:02

The School of Devolution

From ancient times there have been two schools of thought. One of these schools basically stands for the suppression of freedom over the masses whom are generally looked down upon by the followers and students of this school. Their teachings deny the principle of soul-evolution on the individual level. The high priests from this school of devolution consider the majority of humanity as being utterly incapable of self-governance.

The people of this school are generally highly intelligent but have a very selfish nature which eventually leads them to an overblown obsession for power. This, by extension, increases their thirst to rule and to govern. These people carry the greatest contempt for the masses. They believe that the highest good for the common people comes through centralized government which is in the hands of their ‘high priests.’ They thus view themselves as superior to humanity-at-large and feel themselves to be ordained by God to rule the earth.

 Following are some excerpts from a popular videogame that, to an extent, reveals the mindset of these people.


"The people never have the power, only the illusion of it. And here is the real secret: they don't want it. The responsibility is too great to bear. It's why they are so quick to fall in line as soon as someone else takes charge. They want to be told what to do. They yearn for it."


"Even when your kind appears to triumph, still we rise again. And do you know why? It

is because the Order is born of a realization. We require no creed. No indoctrination by

desperate old men. All we need is that the world be as it is."

 - From Assassins Creed III a videogame.


Following are examples from the real world of what is being touched upon in this expose. It is, as some say, “from the horse’s mouth.”


Leo Strauss

Mr. Strauss says that societies should be hierarchical & divided between an elite class who should lead, and the masses who should follow. He took many ideas from Plato but twisted them around as only a true master of this selfish art would do. For example, unlike Plato, he was not concerned with the moral character of political leaders.

Mr. Strauss had few qualms about using deception in politics. In fact, he saw deception as a necessity. This is how he twisted Plato’s idea of the so-called “noble lie:” Plato suggested that the creation of myths and parables were to be built upon truth and as such, conveyed in a made-up way for the benefit of people (hence, the “noble lie.”) Mr.Strauss twisted this noble lie idea to further the aim of pure deception where the sole purpose is to "dupe the multitude & secure power for the special elite".


Shadia Drury has written a book about Leo Strauss and his connection and affiliation with the Neocons in the USA. The title of her book is Leo Strauss and the American Right.

From her book come the following excerpts:

"Those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right – the right of the superior to rule over the inferior."

"The people are told what they need to know and no more."

While the elite few are capable of allowing for the absence of any moral truth, Mr. Strauss thought the masses could not cope with this. If exposed to the absence of absolute truth, they would quickly fall into nihilism or anarchy.

Strauss viewed religion as absolutely essential in order to impose moral law on the masses who would otherwise be out of control. Leo Strauss stressed that religion was for the masses alone and that rulers need not be bound by it. Indeed, it would be absurd if they were, since the truths proclaimed by religion were, according to Strauss, "a pious fraud."

Mr. Leo S. believed that the inherently aggressive nature of human beings could only be restrained by a powerful nationalistic state.

"Because mankind is intrinsically wicked, he has to be governed"

"Such governance can only be established, however, when men are united – and they can only be united against other people."


A source of inspiration that the followers from the school of devolution use in their work:

The Prince -- Niccolo Machiavelli

Following are some excerpts from Niccolo Machiavelli’s work called ‘The Prince.’ They are given here to show how these writings are, to this day, an inspiration to these followers of the school of devolution.

"Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage."

"It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both."

"When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence and both of these opinions generate hatred."

"Politics have no relation to morals."

 "It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver."

 "Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions."

 "If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."

 "Men are so simple and yield so readily to the desires of the moment that he who will trick will always find another who will suffer to be tricked."

 "The wise man does at once what the fool does finally."


Finally, to conclude this expose...

 “The inferno of the living is not something that will be; if there is one, it is what is already here, the inferno where we live every day, that we form by being together. There are two ways to escape suffering it. The first is easy for many: accept the inferno and become such a part of it that you can no longer see it. The second is risky and demands constant vigilance and apprehension: seek and learn to recognize who and what, in the midst of inferno, are not in the inferno, then make them endure, give them space.”

--Italo Calvino

11.09.2013 09:33


The purpose or aim for praying

If one mentions the terms ‘prayer and praying,’ there will be many people who may think of or view this as a way to petition or communicate with God; to make God follow and cause one’s will and desires to come true. From a purely spiritual point of view this would be a right means used in a very wrong way.

To understand the primary aim for prayer, one has to realize that the main goal with praying is to align ones will and desire with God´s divine will and desire. As such, one has to have an earnest desire and will to draw closer to God. This is an upward movement (ascending) and through this movement one can attain what is called ‘higher consciousness.’ What this in short means, is that, one is being "opened and ready, as in allowing room or space;" making it possible for the change of one’s heart and mind. Mark well the terms being expressed here. This is the true nature and meaning behind repentance as it is used in the Bible. Repentance
means a true turning away, in both mind and heart, from what is considered as the self and to fully turn toward God.

Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. - Matthew 4:17



The magic of prayer

If one is to take a more detailed look at the power of praying on a human level, there are many people who could attest to having been in great despair or in a similar negatively charged state of being; that is to say, having troubles with silencing the mind (thoughts) and calming the heart (emotions). After exhaustive prayer, they find their mind is now silenced and their heart is now calmed. In this way one has managed to keep ones "spirit" up and not be allowed to fall prey to a negative condition that could render one disempowered thereby attracting the karma that results from this state.


Praying: a method and a technique

It has been said in the ancient wisdom schools of the world, that to be able to hear God, one needs to have a silenced mind and a calm heart. It is through silence and peace that we are only able to hear God talk to us. The alert and aware one will see the similarity in function here to the eastern mantras--and also the connection to what is known as meditation. The method and its functions where taught as technique to the Telois that walked the halls of the worlds wisdom schools. The final aim is for the human being to be in a state of constant prayer toward God, which is a sign that full repentance has taken place within the Teloi. The following statement conveys the nature of permanent meditation:

I will listen to and hear God speak to my secret & undying soul in every circumstance,
situation and event of my life!






10.09.2013 08:34

As you, dear reader, will soon discover, it´s rare to discover people who have what could be called true free will; meaning that one first understands and also applies the process that will be unveiled right now. The purpose right now is to make you ponder it and then try to view yourself honestly. In a sincere way you should end up scrutinizing your desires; your will; what makes you go ape and why--on both intellectual and emotional levels.

You may discover that you, in reality, function like an automaton. In ancient wisdom schools, to be like an automaton held the same meaning as to be as-if-dead, since there is a lack of selfconscious integrity involved.
Another discovery that should bring you great joy is to discover God´s meaning by endowing the human one with the gift of freedom. It´s through this gift that is called ‘free will’ that we are given the opportunity to refine life.

It should also act like a sign to all weak in faith as to God´s "belief" or "trust" in our potential for achieving this ability to refine life. Now then let me present the process for you, dear reader.

The process of free will

One´s free will is dependent upon one´s desire.

One´s desire is dependent upon discrimination. (Likes - Dislikes)

Discrimination rests upon judgment.

Judgment depends upon knowledge.

Knowledge is depended upon consciousness.

Consciousness rests upon the awareness of self.

The power of change lies in the Presence. This is a knowledge that should educed from viewing the process described above. In short, by changing characteristics of consciousness one is able to change the different causes.

05.09.2013 21:58

Is there a possibility that there´s a group of alchemists who seem to feel ordained by God and who by design are putting the throttle to the bottom in order to accelerate the rate of human spiritual evolution?

And as such, do they view who they are and what they do as being benevolent and well intentioned? Could it be that they, in the process, are using the powers of ignorance and are even employing priests of darkness to their advantage, in order to push this spiritual agenda forward?

Bear in mind that that there are also greedy, selfish politicians who have the ambition and need to appear as important and who thirst for power and money. But it does not stop there. It continues on down to the lost and misled spiritual seekers who still possess what could be termed a ‘bloated ego.’ These people like to think of themselves as being spiritually important and as having a sense of being chosen. These ones are stuck on a parrot level of understanding the true spiritual mysteries--which they claim to know.

To the uninitiated ones they come off as being the real deal by their parroting of great esoteric knowledge and maybe even swinging around some ‘code words’ from esoteric wisdom teachings. In so doing, they fool themselves into thinking and believing that they have reached the fulfillment of knowledge which brings true understanding, and by extension, illumination.

There is a whore who was put into place. These types are all using her to benefit from her services in various ways--especially where there are bloated egos and people under the drives of the beast in them. Naturally, there will always be a top dog mentality. This means that not all of them are friends nor do they share the same interests and views about the world.

Yet this whore from whom they all benefit is never outed. All who use her services know that it´s a mortal sin to talk about her or the clubs of the mighty men of renown who are using her. The whore is a system and a network through which they are all connected and they use her for their selfish benefits and needs. Unknowingly they become players in a game that is all about spiritual aptitude for earth’s humanity-atlarge.

For you, dear reader, being here is a sign of awakening. (Do not take this as being the same as initiation, thereby causing you to pump up the already bloated ego.) True initiation always comes from above and from within. The true initiator is God alone and it comes through the grace of God. I can tell you right away that it will not come to pass as long as one is serving other masters and has not become what is called debt free.

A true aspirant will be tested by the angel of wrath in ways he/she can’t possibly imagine. This is to determine if one indeed is ready to put it all on the altar of God and cry out loud,

"My Father, into your hands I lay down my spirit"

The bulk of what are termed ‘secret societies’ are at best dealing with preparations to make them ready for the true initiation by way of the descent God’s Grace. What many take for an inner circle is in fact merely outer in this regard. With all their knowledge they can not melt the butter. This has to be done by one’s own accord and is never accomplished without the grace and guidance from God, no matter how good a teacher
one has!

There are many who downgrade Jesus and his sayings, ignorantly falling for the constructed trap known as exoteric teachings. Only a Teloi can, by Gods mercy, reveal the keys to truly understanding the doctrine of the perfect man (True Christianity). Teloi comes from the word Telos. It means that one has become, initiated and baptized by fire, which means to have become baptized by the spirit of God.


I am baptizing you in water for repentance, but he who comes after me is mightier than I, for I am not worthy to pick up his sandals; he is to baptize you in The Spirit of Holiness and in fire.

- Matthew 3:11

Only the true ones who show the proper amount of determination, diligence and love toward God will be granted access to the Promised Land and by the grace of God become glorified and be called a child of God. Much of what many have asked and are trying to understand has been conveyed here albeit in a clothed way.

The cesspit awaits you, do you have what it takes to not drown in it?

Everyone gets salvation by their own accord and upon their own merits. This requires self-responsibility to evolve self-integrity which is needed in order to call down the great angel who lifts the seeker up from the sea of ignorance.

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