To have even the slightest chance of understanding the Book of Enoch one has to know what the word ‘Enoch’ means or rather what it defined. The meaning of the word ‘Enoch’ is Initiate. One of the clues regarding this definition is in the saying that Enoch walked with God. This simply means that one has become a Teloi.
The Ancient Greek Word Teloi means the end of process, which is Illumination. To the ancient Teloi this meant that one truly understood the mystery of Alpha & Omega.
“Then have you laid bare the beginning, so that you are seeking the end?" For the end will be where the beginning is. Blessed is the person who stands at rest in the beginning. And that person will be acquainted with the end and will not taste death."
--Gospel Of Thomas 18
There are many clues and hints given in this text that deal with the revelations of a Teloi. This text, like the majority of these kinds of esoteric work, was written to and for the students of the old wisdom schools. This content referred to the students who yet had attained illumination and was written for the purpose of offering hints and tips.
In short, these kinds of esoteric texts always dealt with the process of illumination or some aspects of it in one form or another. The Enoch text deals specifically with cosmic forces and the cosmic law. Angels are energy aspects in all sorts of form that helps or brings one closer to God. In contrast the opposite of this stands for fallen angels and aspects of pure demonic energy. One should try to hold in mind the Hermetic axiom in connection to this. As above so below! As in macrocosmos so in the microcosmos...
From the book of Enoch..
54.3 And there my eyes saw how they made instruments for them - iron chains of immeasurable weight.
54.4 And I asked the Angel of Peace, who went with me, saying: "These chain instruments - for whom are they being prepared?"
54.5 And he said to me: "These are being prepared for the hosts of Azazel, so that they may take them, and throw them into the lowest part of hell; and they will cover their jaws with rough stones, as the Lord of Spirits commanded.
54.6 And Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel - these will take hold of them on that great day. And throw them, on that day, into the furnace of burning fire, so that the Lord of Spirits may take vengeance on them for their iniquity, in that they became servants of Satan, and led astray those who dwell upon the dry ground...
Azazel = that which is to be removed, that which despairs for the mercy of God - the outcast, the state of experiencing emotional and mental states: affections and obsessions; lack of peaceful mind.
Michael = humility before God; passion toward God; seeking God and devotion to God; the ability to remain "empty" (aka at peace.) This angel’s name is more of a reminder than a question. Who is like God? Only God is God and can understand Itself in full. The human can comprehend God to a level due to him having been created in the image of God.
Gabriel = delivering God´s words; the messenger from God to the human; the ability to hear the voice of God through the silence that comes from being at peace. (Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you)
Raphael = the healing power from God as “the butter starts to melt over one;” being embraced by the love and mercy of God through the power of God´s grace. Here, sins are forgiven.
Phanuel = when the Lord comes with glory and glorifies one; revealing the face of God; proclaiming the consummatum est in the following words:
"The world has now become the Kingdom of our LORD and His Christ. He shall reign forever and ever.... Amen"