Genesis the story

06.11.2013 07:37

I have been asked about the biblical Genesis. What is this story about?

Many who turn to so called gnostic texts ( Nag hammadi and others) end up getting even more confused when they encounter these painted pictures which was made for a audience of another time who where familiar with the definition of the terms and symbology being used.

What you earnest seeker have to realize is that it´s a story which flows from inside and goes outwards. As such you cant start to seek the answers in the outside but have to start look inside.

Inside where?

Well it´s a individual story while at the same time it is applied to all of humanity. Spiritual matters work in this manyfolded way and does not really deal with one aspect at a time as many would seem to think. This is tied to the timeless term called presence. Presence exists everywhere yet is nowhere.

That is for another blog. Let´s keep to the issue that is being dealt with here.

The essence of the biblical Genesis is that it´s a story about Being, Consciousness and Life. It should also be looked upon as instructions given from a Illuminator to a student albeit clothed in a story way of telling.

Starring as God - Being ( Also at times a Illuminator/spiritual master instructions)

Starring as Adam - Consciousness (Also the Mind, which was alone with God before Eve was made )

Starring as Eve - Life ( The company of Adam, Also the fiery expanding quality that is in life itself (Snake) Which in this case affected or touched Adam.. )

I would again like to point out as a helping hint here, the old saying of the Old Chinese yogis that the subtle nature of Tao is HUMAN NATURE ( That Which Can Know It Self - Consciousness) & LIFE.

The message of God to the human one which is not unerstood and as such is being ignored even today is that you are that. All that you ever can be ( The I am.. ) and that you are perfect because you where made in the image of ME, is what God is trying to convey. The human one did not grasp it nor did it heed the warnings and through the ignorance like Adapa it turned away from immortality. The human one in this way fell into the shackles of duality and it´s relentless tug which is a effect of the cosmic dance.

At this point I am simply going to stop here with this revelation and encourage you to use this new insight and try read the Genesis story again to see if it this time will make anymore sense and maybe reveal some more to you.