Jesus Christ The Builder & Masons
It all evolves around the knowledge of the Logos as the "builder" or the great architect. Look into a previous post called The Logos teaching.
Not many are aware that high esoteric degrees of masons consider themselves to be heirs of the ancient gnostic. The majority of people are also not aware that the Bible and the NT was written by gnostic adepts and that these works are inbedded with numerical (Gematria) code. A code the masons study as they are revelations of logos itself in their view.
Iesous Christos (As The Logos) is the supreme architect of the spiritual temple (Sol - Amun , Temple Of The Hidden Sun) that is every sincere masons task to be building.
Amon/Amun was the primary deity of the ancient Egyptians. This term is hiding a similar word that has another meaning and is highly connected to what is being touched upon here. Yet Amon as the hidden one alludes to it. In this way the hidden one reveals through it´s work.
The Church Of Philadelphia - The Key
A work by Trevor Stewart
"In Freemasonry you must have noticed the special emphasis which nearly all of
their rituals place on doorways and on gaining entrance. Doorways, the action of
entering, the associated 'knocks' and the guardians on either side, are simple
metaphors for candidates' beginning a new phase of their masonic and possibly their
spiritual pilgrimages."
“Behold, I stand at the door and I shall knock. If a man listens to my voice and will open the door, I also shall come in and I shall have supper with him, and he with me.”
- Revelation 3:20