Jesus More Than Just A Man - Immanuel

19.11.2013 07:58


In connection to the logos teaching that I have previously posted. One term applied to Jesus was Immanuel which means "God Is With Us". It cannot be mademuch clearer then this.

This is the pivotal part in the message that Jesus is giving us.

He is reminding humans of what they are and of the divine connection to God that is there, which can only be established by a man of free will.

Jesus Christ is the prototype, the primordial man, the true and undiluted picture of the true human. When you encounter and look at Jesus Christ, you see the true you in regards to human nature; a representation of see God´s desire and will with the human.

Jesus says:

“I am the bread of life."

"I am the light of the world."

"Know I am with you always."

Jesus should be seen as the living presence in the human which is essentially Gods power. Jesus is God´s desire and will. This desire and will contains the form and attributes of man; or more specifically, the attributes and form of the primordial man. To the man this presence of God deep inside of man is first seen and discovered to be the light of God. Hence why Jesus is in some circles called to be The Aeon of Eternal Light - Ain Sof Aur and as such, The Ultimate Illuminator (The Bishop of Light, et al.)


‘Who is like God?’ is not only a question posed by the meaning of the name Michael, but serves also as a reminder to us that only God can understand and comprehend God and although there is a divine connection between the human and God, only God is God! The human is made in the image of God, from and as an idea of God. As such the human one is perfect for it´s purpose. The human one should not compare to God because who is like God but God Itself?

“Man born in sin…”

It´s from this context that the concept of man born in sin has arisen.That man is imperfect, not complete, due to the notion that man has not yet become able to host God. In the garden of eden man walked with God. With the fall, man alienated himself from God.

The idea of man being born in sin has been yanked away from its original context by ignorant men and thrown into a taxicab whose destination leads directly to the school of devolution. The end goal here is to put man in victim mode, and in that way, render man hesitant, passive to the level that he would not deem himself to be worthy to walk with God. This is accomplished through indoctrination and a an abundance of fear farming.

The question "Who is like God?" serves as a reminder of the humility required by the neophyte seekers who have freshly embarked on the true spiritual path; to warn them against becoming a Luciferian sorcerer (aka, a bloated, mystical ego.) This will cause them to fall away from their original intention: to meet God.

Here, there is a dangerous risk of misconstruing God with Ego Self. I would say that one does not understand the meaning of the creation of the human being from the God Perspective. If one is given to the notion that the human is actually God the real truth will be clearly revealed upon actually meeting God.

Ultimately it is a matter of ‘God within me and me within God,’ by the sole Desire and Will of God. A big clue is given in the bible that the form (I do not only imply the body of flesh) of the human being is to be kept clean and holy so that God can be housed there. As such, the given term for this is the Tabernacle of God. That is, a temporary dwelling place for God.

Due to God’s temporal presence there, it is a place that becomes a holy temple and inspires worship. The human will attain joy and awe from being ever so close to God…how could it be otherwise, when in truth one experiences the idea behind the name, Immanuel. God is with us!

If this were not so, then man would not even have the potential to directly perceive God. But every man has this potential like a small spark deep inside. Thus, man needs to establish this divine connection that he/she bears with him/her.