
19.10.2013 00:21

El-azar means God has helped and it´s from this combo of letters one get the name Lazaros (In Greek)

It´s perfectly clear that this name wants to tell something. It deals with melting of the butter.

Seeking solitude, entering the halls of meditation, living the life of mystic, one day managing to opening the box of pandora. Faced with last demons, before ones exhaustively stammers...

I think I might be nobody! ( Discovering the nature of a self that is a no-self)

Then after a while..

Meeting God...

- Be still & know Im God, the living presence

Ehieh Ascher Ehieh ( Existence is Existence )

The power of the resurrection

-I have ventured to where there´s no obstruction.  A state of calm existance & a refuge of all phenomena. To many a  void while in fact a place swollen with possibility.

Walking the path of a sage..

-  What is the means to gain the state of eternal bliss, ever devoid of misery?

- Wherever there is body there is misery, one should enquire into one's true nature which is ever bodiless, and one should remain as such...


Come on, dude your more shredded than a juliene sallad!

In response to..

-Hey man I haved studied arica and other spiritual shit for over 17 years and here I am still oscilliating between blissy and shitty!!


Enter Tzaddikim

- Me!?

- I know who I am!

- Im a dude playing a dude disguesed as another dude..

The Mission

-Heavenly father I am ready to do your will!