Life, the power of spirit a short expose

01.11.2013 13:35


"...then Yahweh Elohim formed the human one from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his-her nostrils the breath of life and the human one became a living being- (Genesis 2:7)



Zoe was the Greek term used for life as in life power. This means that there was Zoe to be found in bios. Bios was the term used to define biological life while zoe is the pure life power on which Bios depends upon.


In the ancient times Zoe was defined as follows..

- Absolute fullness of life, which belongs to God, and comes through God. It was also called the abundance given by God...


Pneuma was the ancient Greek term for spirit.

Comes from the Greek word Pneo which means to blow.

Pneuma was defined as..

Non physical and non corporeal part of the human, the vital principle which held the fiery intelligence that made it possible for the human one to perceive & grasp divine and eternal things.

In Latin the word for Breathe is Spiritus.


Think about it...

Life is the radiant breath of God and you are a part of that radiant breath..