Soul evolution..
19.02.2014 08:51
Soul Evolution..
There are many people from different religious creeds and traditions who consider themselves to be followers of spirituality. Many among these people have come to misunderstand the enlightened-sounding concept known as ‘soul evolution.’ It´s generally considered by modern, mainstream followers of spirituality that this fallen state of humanity is a normal case. As such, the general idea is that this is a part of a must-be-grand soul evolution. It is even said to be necessary for the humans to become Godman.As always with spiritual concepts pulled out of context, the whole picture has gotten lost here.
The majority of the people on earth are fallen. You are lost and you live in a reality that is not a true one.
You are far away from home and you do not know yourself.This should not be any news to the earnest seekers of the world, as they have been admonished about this countless times by masters, gurus, sages and teachers from the world’s ancient wisdom schools throughout time.
They say that humanity’s present state is one of degeneration.
All did not fall…but you somehow managed it! What is for you being described by such terms as soul evolution is a process needed only for the fallen ones like yourself. This evolutionary notion is neither needed nor does it apply to the ones who did not fall.The processes and teachings surrounding this serves as a roadmap back to YOU. These are processes that will take you back home. If you happen to be completely dumb, lacking wisdom and understanding, rest assured that what you call ‘creation’ is working for you. It´s like a game that has the function to wake you up. Like a bad dream with all the unpleasantness and all the absurdities imploring you to wake up.
You may ask if you have to struggle to find your way back home. What do the ones who did not fall do?
They are enjoying in refining life.