Full Mental Alchemist - Illuminati Message

05.09.2013 21:58

Is there a possibility that there´s a group of alchemists who seem to feel ordained by God and who by design are putting the throttle to the bottom in order to accelerate the rate of human spiritual evolution?

And as such, do they view who they are and what they do as being benevolent and well intentioned? Could it be that they, in the process, are using the powers of ignorance and are even employing priests of darkness to their advantage, in order to push this spiritual agenda forward?

Bear in mind that that there are also greedy, selfish politicians who have the ambition and need to appear as important and who thirst for power and money. But it does not stop there. It continues on down to the lost and misled spiritual seekers who still possess what could be termed a ‘bloated ego.’ These people like to think of themselves as being spiritually important and as having a sense of being chosen. These ones are stuck on a parrot level of understanding the true spiritual mysteries--which they claim to know.

To the uninitiated ones they come off as being the real deal by their parroting of great esoteric knowledge and maybe even swinging around some ‘code words’ from esoteric wisdom teachings. In so doing, they fool themselves into thinking and believing that they have reached the fulfillment of knowledge which brings true understanding, and by extension, illumination.

There is a whore who was put into place. These types are all using her to benefit from her services in various ways--especially where there are bloated egos and people under the drives of the beast in them. Naturally, there will always be a top dog mentality. This means that not all of them are friends nor do they share the same interests and views about the world.

Yet this whore from whom they all benefit is never outed. All who use her services know that it´s a mortal sin to talk about her or the clubs of the mighty men of renown who are using her. The whore is a system and a network through which they are all connected and they use her for their selfish benefits and needs. Unknowingly they become players in a game that is all about spiritual aptitude for earth’s humanity-atlarge.

For you, dear reader, being here is a sign of awakening. (Do not take this as being the same as initiation, thereby causing you to pump up the already bloated ego.) True initiation always comes from above and from within. The true initiator is God alone and it comes through the grace of God. I can tell you right away that it will not come to pass as long as one is serving other masters and has not become what is called debt free.

A true aspirant will be tested by the angel of wrath in ways he/she can’t possibly imagine. This is to determine if one indeed is ready to put it all on the altar of God and cry out loud,

"My Father, into your hands I lay down my spirit"

The bulk of what are termed ‘secret societies’ are at best dealing with preparations to make them ready for the true initiation by way of the descent God’s Grace. What many take for an inner circle is in fact merely outer in this regard. With all their knowledge they can not melt the butter. This has to be done by one’s own accord and is never accomplished without the grace and guidance from God, no matter how good a teacher
one has!

There are many who downgrade Jesus and his sayings, ignorantly falling for the constructed trap known as exoteric teachings. Only a Teloi can, by Gods mercy, reveal the keys to truly understanding the doctrine of the perfect man (True Christianity). Teloi comes from the word Telos. It means that one has become, initiated and baptized by fire, which means to have become baptized by the spirit of God.


I am baptizing you in water for repentance, but he who comes after me is mightier than I, for I am not worthy to pick up his sandals; he is to baptize you in The Spirit of Holiness and in fire.

- Matthew 3:11

Only the true ones who show the proper amount of determination, diligence and love toward God will be granted access to the Promised Land and by the grace of God become glorified and be called a child of God. Much of what many have asked and are trying to understand has been conveyed here albeit in a clothed way.

The cesspit awaits you, do you have what it takes to not drown in it?

Everyone gets salvation by their own accord and upon their own merits. This requires self-responsibility to evolve self-integrity which is needed in order to call down the great angel who lifts the seeker up from the sea of ignorance.