The Logos teaching

19.10.2013 00:40

The Logos Teachings




.”the logos is God´s Likness, by who the whole kosmos was fashinoed.”

  • Philo Judaeus


Kosmos = Order, Ordered Harmonious system. As well as meaning ornament

The kosmos was also viewed as being a refelction of Logos.


In Hellenistic cosmology, Arché, the first cause was viewed upon as beyond human understanding.What was said about Arché is that it was the Source & Beginning of existence.


In the bossom of Arché is The Logos which is brought forth..


The Logos is the only begotten Son Of God (God = Arché) and The Logos as such is the Celestial Man, the Primordinal Man, The Anthropos.


The Logos is eternal and prevades everything as everything was fashioned by The Logos and though The Logos.

Logos is the agent, the cosmical principle which like encapsulate and prevade all as it is the underlying harmonious pattern or form for everything.


Another way to view The Logos is as being The Celestial Song. Encompassing all the sounds (*Vibrations,soniferous) tones in a harmonious way, creating that Celestial song.


*Hence the allusion of The Logos as being ”Verbatum”...The Word.The Egyptian Deity Toth (Hermes for the Greeks & who was called The Logos by them) was the thoughts and words of The God Amun Ra.Amun the hidden,Ra the divinity.On another note connecting to this here..ABRA KAD ABRA ,"Created As I say" , in Aramaic...


The Logos reflects the nature of Being.

In Ancient Hellinistic teachings, Being was defined as ”That which is”...


The Logos encompasses and holds all them primordial universal principles that underlies creation.Again..

The Logos lies in the bossom of Arché


From the prologue to the fourth gospel..


*"In him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men."

(*In Taosim they say"The subtlest secret of the Tao is human nature and life..")


The Logos is integral in the mold of what can be termed as the cosmic form.The Logos is present everywhere yet exists nowhere.


Ancient Hellenistic cosmology did not view God as one who decided to create the universe with drawing up a plan. Instead for them it was The Logos who was behind creation. The Logos which was always with God (In the bossom remember..) was the manifested will and desire of God.As such the blueprint or pattern for creation has always existed and always will.


The stoic philosophers talked about The Logos as being Spermatikos Logos. Which means "seed pattern".The seed contains in itself the pattern for the full manifestation of the plant/fruit/tree and as such Life which is called Zoé (Life force) in Greek and was the underlying principle for the Bios. (Biological life)



John 8:12 12When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

John 1:4-5 4In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men...


Matthew 5:14-16 14"You are the light of the world


This is reflected in the Phos Zoe Cross..



Phos (Light) up – downwards & Zoé (Life) sideways



Jesus symbolizing The Logos said when his disciples asked about The Heavenly Father.

If you had known me, you also would have known my Father, and from this hour you do know him and you have seen him.” - John 14:7


If anything Jesus gives hints after hints of what and who he is.