The Redemption and Perfection of This Fallen World
07.02.2014 08:52
I thought that I would cover what is known as the second coming of Christ as being the key to the redemption and perfection of this fallen world. This is Part 1 of three essays on the matter.
There are many who eagerly await a return of Christ, Messiah, Mahdi (or however this may be
termed throughout the various cultures on Earth.) The idea is that a powerful spiritual influence in the form of one man will bring salvation to all people and also create a Utopia here on Earth.
This, in Christian terms, is what some have come to understand as being the kingdom of heaven
here on earth through the second arrival of Jesus the Christ. The Jews are still awaiting their
Messiah who will rule the nations with an iron rod. The Muslims are waiting for their Mahdi
who will defeat and kill the one eyed dajjal. Many are ignorantly unaware how this has to come
to pass. As is often the case with much of the ancient wisdom teachings, even this concept has been taken
out of context. It is not understood by many--even by some of its main proponents, it would seem.
Better the devil you know…
The ancient Rishis had certain sentiments to share regarding their view of the possibilities of Utopia on earth. They expressed it in the following way:
"Like a dream in the air"
Dreamy new agers and other followers of modern pink, fluffy, cotton-candy spirituality may raise their eyebrows at this--in fear that their dreams and hopes for a grand "kumbaya my lord" all over the Earth may indeed never come to pass.
Do not fall into despair nor fall into the clutches of ‘the other side of the fence.’ The proud,
powerful, yet stupid men who dream the impossible dream, for whatever reason, have
fallen sway to their own Satanic or Luciferic inclinations. They are working to bring you their
version of Utopia. Thick is their ignorance and lacking is their wisdom, despite the opposite
being claimed by themselves. Beware the cesspit of spiritual drivel clothed in the garments of
If you read through this grand expose and manage to grasp what it unveils, you will understand
that ‘where there is life there is hope,’ and more. So again, do not fall into despair or depression.
The Rishis were not overt in elucidating this yet understood this "reality". They knew its nature
and its modus operandi. The nature of this realm is that there cannot be good without evil, or evil
without good.
I have deliberately used the phrase, "good without evil, or evil without good" (as in Genesis, the
tree of good and evil), in pointing to this reality. This reality, therefore, is none other than the
realm of duality. In biblical terminology this understanding came to be explained by the idea that
this world is "fallen" and is therefore not "perfect".
There is a Buddhist warning to all the students who are still seeking: that, if they go seeking truth
in the outer world, all they will find is the Devil. In a world of duality you will of course, only
find duality.
Speaking of the Devil!
‘Diablo,’ from where the term ‘Devil’ is derived, is sourced in the Ancient Greek culture. One of
the underlying meanings of the term (among many others), is ‘to throw asunder; or, ‘to smash to
pieces.’ It is clear that what is being alluded to here is the nature of duality in contrast to Unity:
“Chopped up, Thrown asunder, Into pieces….”
Absolute truth versus duality
The nature of duality is that all there is is change. Duality is not sustained by itself nor from itself,
because its very nature is to implode. As such, its existence is due to something above it and
underlying it at the same time. Truth is that which is absolute because it is not subject to change. As some Sanskrit scriptures say,’Truth is that which exists in all 3 states of Time,’ (that is, the past, present and future.)