The Redemption and Perfection of This Fallen World 5
What does this all mean?
From the concept known as Christianity. It deals with the second coming of Christ. When I say Christianity i do not mean the concept of today, but a gnostic one which also encompassed what has come to be known as the Kabbalistic mysteries. What is today by most grasped as two different concepts where then only one. The gnostic allegories and metaphors where like painted pictures with much symbolical means, unlocked by the students with what was managed to be received and understood from their teachers by oral means.
As such the return of the Messiah is basically the same concept as the one mentioned above.What needs to be said here just to clarify, is that not all proponents and followers of what today has come to become known as Kabbalah, would agree on this. As there are other Kabbalistic concepts of thought which follows their inclinations.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
It´s said in what today would be called Christian Kabbalah, that the soul of Messiah is so grand that one singel man can´t house It alone. For the full embodiment and return of the Messiah, the majority of humans are required. Because this is what the Soul of Messiah or Christ is. It´s in all of you and it has to be attained, woken up so to say.
One has to recall what these terms Christ and Messiah means or do stand for. It´s The Logos, that what is projected by the Monad. The only begotten son. Consciousness arisen from awareness.
The Logos said I am the light of the world. I am the light in man. Only through me can man know and reach the Father,When you see me you see the Father...I am the way..
Attaining this Christ/Messianich consciousness is to come to know your true self. It is to come to know the truth which is then setting you free.
Kabbalistically speaking it´s the Zeir Anpin (Little Face Of God - God´s Aspect in Creation) turning and looking at the Father (Arik Anpin - The Big face of God - Ancient of Ancients - Called so because it´s the first "manifested" aspect of God)
The Kabbalistic meaning here is that the eye see´s itself, or that the knower which can know does become fully aware of itself, seeing it self.
It´s also said in Kabbalistic teachings that when this happens. Creation as people know it cease to be. Because this creation happens when Zeir Anpin is not looking at the face of it´s Father (Arik Anpin) and as such is not reflecting solely the Father.
The name of the game
Boiling this down on to the level of people on earth.What this means is for this Christ/Messianic conciousness to be attained and realized on a individual level. This still ongoing process is known as the first coming of Christ and has not been fulfilled yet.
The second coming is when this first one has become attained and fulfilled in all of humanity.This creation as such does implode because it does not and can not exist by it´s own as it relies upon something else to exist upon.Namley you. Creation are the effects and phenomena of Being which is the only cause.
In that way this creation has fulfilled it´s task and as such has become perfected since it always was about YOU.
The Utopia that people seek is to be found in another place (Realm) which is not bound by change nor time.
It´s about finding the true YOU...The Self which for instance the Upanishads mentions.When you have found this you will also have find your home and as such you will understand your divine nature.You will come to understand that you are free and that the all is yours...