Todays Problem - Is This The World We Live In?

08.10.2013 18:47

Todays Problem - Is This The World We Live In?


We have vast fertile acreage, yet the majority of people are without property.

We raise and produce more food than we can consume and in some parts there is abundance of food to the extent that much is thrown away. Yet large numbers of people walks hungry when they should not need to. Humanity have both knowledge and the technology for it to not be so.

We have an overproduction of clothes yet there are still people that have a lack of clothes.

Never in history has education been so easy to access. Yet the majority of people are ignorant.

Courts dispense injustice instead of justice.

We have self-seeking and corrupt politicians instead of wise and just statesmen and councilors.

Religion which comes from the word religare (Closer to God or Bind Closer To God) has gone stale and has become hollow and lifeless. The priestcraft, having lost the spirit of the true teachings of the masters, (the keys to heaven), having become ignorant of the divine law and the ultimate reality.

Poverty, misery, disease and early death stalk the streets. Society is miserable, sick and unhappy people in despair. One has to be stupid not to admit the utter failure of the present civilization.Is this the best we can do!? Really? Come on please..

"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religions destroy spirituality." - Michael Ellner